Taxation Services

Tax law is often regarded as the most complex area of law. It is important to understand the rules and regulations and structure your affairs in a manner that achieves the most effective tax outcome without contravening any rules and regulations.
If you have been assessed by the ATO for unpaid taxes, interest and penalties, we can assist you in objection to the ATO’s assessments and achieving a more favourable tax outcome for you.
How we can assist in tax structuring
It is important to understand the complex tax rules and regulations prior to structuring your family and business affairs to ensure you achieve the most favourable tax outcomes. We can assist you with the following:
- Setting up strategic discretionary trusts
- Providing detailed structuring advice with respect to property developments and commercial businesses including utilisation of Unit Trust, Companies, Partnerships and other business vehicles to achieve your commercial goals
- Providing detailed advice about Capital Gains Tax, Income Tax, Goods and Services Tax (GST), Transfer Duty, Landholder’s Duty and all other state and federal taxes
How we can assist in disputing the ATO’s assessments
It is often extremely stressful and daunting for individuals and businesses to be audited by the ATO. Our expert tax lawyers can guide you through this process and advice you on whether you should object to the ATO’s assessment and further, whether you should appeal to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) or the Federal Court. We can assist you with the following:
- ATO audits
- Objecting to ATO assessments
- Appealing ATO assessments in the AAT and the Federal Court
- Liaising with the ATO to negotiate and document settlements of tax disputes